Heartful Living

Your heart
knows the way

Heartful Living

Your heart

knows the way

Heartful Living

Your heart
knows the way

Two nationalities, two languages, one goal: Seeing you thriving


All Content in Danish

Alle familieforløb foregår i et nærende og respektfuldt rum, med dyb respekt for at både børn og voksne gør det bedste de kan. Du og din familie, kan arbejde med alle forældrerelaterede udfordringer – med barnets og jeres families trivsel i fokus. Fundamentet er et ”hjerteligt ressource fokus”, der tager udgangspunkt i din families behov, værdier og handlemuligheder.

Behandlingerne foregår i nærende og respektfuldt rum, med fokus på ikke blot at fjerne symptomer, men at finde og behandle årsagerne. Derfor er coaching og intuitiv guidning altid et element i mine behandlinger. Jeg tilbyder zoneterapi og massage til både babyer, børn og voksne.

Vi arbejder på det her… 🙂


All Content in English

For you, who is willing to work towards your higher purpose in life.
I’ll guide your there with my strong intuition, my knowledge, my wisdom, as well as some shamanic practices.

Discover the magic that unfolds when I do shamanic drumming for your strength and healing. You will be surprised, how much you get our of such intense drumming. You might even get so caught, that you want to build your own drum in one of my drumbuilding workshops. 

Experience the power of a strong and caring community that takes you exactly the way that you are. We invite you into a safe place, where you can share, get support and give support to others.

If you want to categorize me, to put me in a box, you need to build a special one. You better imagine a pharmacist cabinet, one with many different drawers. That’s maybe where you can fit me in. 


…gives us back the presence, the heart contact and the life-enriching elixir of deep relationships – if we defy habits and live on purpose.